I truly enjoy the speaking engagements that allow me to connect with all of you. But the office stress you face can’t always be conveniently scheduled to the day I’m coming to town. So I’ve decided to provide helpful information year round, straight to your favorite device. Check out my new, expanded offerings online, including:

Twitter (@mj_shaar)

Pop-Culture Positivity. Are you tired of all the negativity in the news? To balance it out, I’m highlighting films, songs, books and personalities that provide a positive message. I also share research & articles that examine positive psychology and workplace dynamics. Plus, inspirational quotes.

LinkedIn (Marie-Josee Shaar)

Keep up with my upcoming speaking engagements and curated posts empowering human relations professionals.

Facebook (MJ Shaar)

Look out for event photos and recaps, in addition to inspirational quotes and highlights of our Pop-Culture Positivity series.

YouTube (MJ Shaar)

Short clips and educational videos that provide tips on how to apply positive psychology to your workplace.