The Days of “Fix-it-itis” Are Over!

The Days of “Fix-it-itis” Are Over!

Let’s face it. If corporate wellness isn’t as popular as we’d like it to be, part of the blame falls on us. A gold standard in the wellness industry is to have participants complete an HRA, or a Health Risk Assessment. The goal of an HRA is to assess...
What Makes Mama Happy?

What Makes Mama Happy?

Helping anybody to achieve greater wellness is an important duty, and one I take to heart. But I am especially concerned with helping women – no offense to you, gentlemen. Still today, women are the ones that tend to plan the majority of meals for their...
Love, Respect and Understanding

Love, Respect and Understanding

About a year ago, I heard an old legend that went something like this: Once upon a time, there was a brother and a sister who had been farming side-by-side for over 40 years. They had always been helpful to each other, sharing labor and resources as needed. But one...